A child of God, wife, mother, student, photographer & part-time crafter. This is a look into the lives of my family of 3.
Our little family

Our little family
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Must Haves for Baby and Items to Skip
Let me just start by saying the guy behind Babies R Us is a genius! I mean who knew I needed a million baby items for my one child to survive past a year old. News flash, you don't! I know quite a few friends who are expecting this year and are first time moms so I hope that this post is helpful in saving some money and cutting down that "baby goodies list". Here is a list I have put together of the top things I have found most important that I used almost everyday and the items I wish I would have laughed at in the store and walked right past.
*Here is a blog I wrote a while back with a list of some of our favorite items that are not on this list but worth reading and looking into (didn't want to retype or overload anyone on one post).
Must Haves:
1. Bouncy seat: My kid sat in his swing all of maybe an hour (thank goodness I bought that thing second hand!) but his bouncy seat was an entirely different story. He sat in that thing all the time. While I showered, cooked dinner, ate dinner, whatever I was doing where I couldn't hold him at the moment, or just needed to give my poor arms a break. He slept in it during the day and even for 3 months slept in it at night. He hated laying flat so for a while we let him sleep in the bouncy seat at night until he got on the bigger side for it then bit the bullet and made the transition to his bed/crib. Worth every penny. There are several out there and honestly they are all about the same. We got one that bounced instead of vibrating, he liked that a lot because (I guess) it felt more like us bouncing him. Who knows, but it was worth it to have!
2. Plenty of onesies and burp cloths: again, brand isn't really a big deal but having several of these on hand is a must! For the first few weeks you probably will not go out very often so those "cute" outfits will not be worn, trust me. A onesie and shorts, or pants, or even just the onesie will be the major wardrobe for a while. Babies spit up A LOT so again, have a lot on hand. This goes for burp cloths too. Having several of those around the house are a must. We used the longer Gerber brand and they seemed to hold up well after several washes. Here even 10 months later we still have them and use them as face cloths for Jackson after mealtimes.
3. Breast pump: Even if you are planning on being a stay at home mom and strictly breast feeding, you still want to either purchase one or rent one from your hospital. My personal breast feeding story (another day, another post) was rough and that breast pump came in handy from almost day one. You never know what is going to happen down this road so be prepared just in case pumping is something you need to do.
4. Formula: With that being said about the breast pump I highly suggest having a small can of formula on hand. I know, I know...that goes against EVERYTHING lactation consultants tell you..."if you have it, it will be easier to use", yada yada. Uhm, well I am sure glad I didn't listen....again, its an entirely different blog post (I will share, I promise) but take it from me, don't be up at 2am with nothing but a crying baby, a crying and exhausted you and a confused husband not knowing what to do. Get a can of formula and put it in the pantry...if you never use it then donate it to a women's shelter...if you wind up needed it, well then you're welcome!
5. Diaper Genie: This is a topic of debate for many. For us though we love our diaper genie! Having the bed rooms upstairs made having the genie perfect for night time changes and nap time changes. We still use it now in our new one floor house. Many say it isn't worth it and some think its amazing! We love it and I recommend it, especially if you have 2 floors. The last thing you want is to walk downstairs half asleep or leave a stinky diaper out until morning.
6. Swaddle me or swaddle blankets: The swaddle me brand ones work awesome because if you have a good kicker like we do they can get out of a normal blanket with ease and these have velcro to stay closed. Actually after a while (3-4 months) Jackson worked up the strength to get out of the swaddle me, but at that point it was time to end swaddling. We used the lightweight ones so he wasn't too hot with pj's and the swaddle on. The fleece ones seemed too thick to be comfortable all night long.
Skip items:
1. Bassinet: Biggest waste of money to date I have seen for a baby! if you can't fit the crib in your room (we couldn't) get a pack n play. Many pack n plays now come with bassinet attachments on them plus you have the pack n play for travel. Best of both for the price of one!
2. Crib bedding: Wait I think I found a runner up for biggest waste of money. Do you know how many items in the crib bedding kit you can use? ONE! yup, the sheet and that is it. So unless you just love to waste money I strongly suggest going to your local superstore and buying about 3-4 sets of crib sheets (trust me you will need several sets) and skip the fancy quilt all together. Bumpers are not even suggested anymore to use so that is out as well. Once Jackson started moving around the crib at night we got one of the mesh bumpers that are suggested to use in the crib. It works great and I have zero worry of his up against it.
3. Changing Table: All you need is the changing pad that goes on those changing tables. You can use the pad on the floor, bed, table, couch...should I go on? Save some money and skip the bulky changing table and just get the pad that slips under the bed when not in use or upright next to the dresser.
4. "Fancy" outfits: As hard as it is, try and limit how many "dressy" outfits you buy. Babies grow quickly! Chances are you are not going to get them in every outfit you buy, regardless of how fancy it may or may not be. A few cute church outfits, or "going out" outfits work just fine and can be cycled through to get your money's worth by wearing a few times. Other than that, those onesies are going to get some serious wear.
I know there are several other things that can be added to this list but I don't want to overwhelm anyone...walking into Babies R Us does enough of that! Please feel free to share your must haves and items you skip for your baby. To all those expecting their first baby or those expecting #2 and so on...congratulations and may your pregnancy, labor and delivery be smooth and enjoy your sweet bundles of joy...they grow up way to fast!!!
Until Next time...
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